Nicole Murphy Nicole Murphy

We started a Podcast!

Where marketing expertise meets engaging storytelling. Described by a listener as "Marketing Therapy," The Marketing Dept. is your go-to source for insightful discussions on marketing, entrepreneurship, and everything in between.

Welcome to The Marketing Dept. Podcast:
Your Monthly Dose of Marketing Therapy

Are you ready to dive into the vibrant world of marketing with a fresh and engaging perspective? Look no further! We are thrilled to introduce **The Marketing Dept.** podcast, co-hosted by the dynamic duo Nicole Murphy from Attollo Creative and Tamar Russell-Brown from Sitka Creations. Described by one enthusiastic listener as "Marketing Therapy," this podcast is your new go-to source for everything marketing, entrepreneurship, and beyond.

Meet Your Hosts

Nicole Murphy brings a wealth of experience and creativity from her role at Attollo Creative. Her innovative approach to marketing and branding has helped numerous businesses elevate their presence and connect with their target audience in meaningful ways.

Tamar Russell-Brown, the powerhouse behind Sitka Creations, is known for her strategic insights and entrepreneurial spirit. Tamar's expertise spans various facets of marketing, and her unique perspective enriches the podcast with practical tips and inspiring stories.

Together, Nicole and Tamar create a captivating synergy, making The Marketing Dept. a must-listen for anyone passionate about marketing and business growth.

What to Expect

With two episodes already live on **Spotify** and **Apple Podcasts**, The Marketing Dept. promises to deliver monthly episodes packed with valuable content. Here's a sneak peek into what you can expect:

Engaging Discussions and Insights

Each episode features in-depth discussions on various aspects of marketing and entrepreneurship, sprinkled with fascinating life stories and insights. Whether you're a seasoned marketer or just starting, you'll find something valuable in every episode.

Listener Interaction

We love hearing from our listeners! Your feedback and questions help shape our content, making it more relevant and impactful. Join the conversation on our social media channels and let us know what topics you want us to cover in future episodes.

Why Tune In?

- **Expert Advice**: Gain insights from two seasoned professionals who have successfully navigated the marketing landscape.

- **Inspiration**: Hear real-life stories of perseverance, creativity, and success.

- **Practical Tips**: Learn practical strategies that you can apply to your marketing efforts and entrepreneurial ventures.

- **Community**: Become part of a community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about marketing and business growth.

Where to Listen

The Marketing Dept. is available on **Spotify** and **Apple Podcasts**. Subscribe now to stay updated on the latest episodes and never miss out on your monthly dose of marketing therapy.

Join Us on This Journey

We're excited to embark on this podcasting journey with you. Whether you're looking for expert marketing advice, entrepreneurial inspiration, or just a good story, The Marketing Dept. has something for everyone. So, grab your headphones, hit play, and join Nicole and Tamar as they explore the ever-evolving world of marketing and entrepreneurship.

Stay tuned, stay inspired, and let's grow together!


Connect with Us

Follow us on Spotify or listen to our Podcast here!

Have questions or feedback? Drop us an email at We'd love to hear from you!

Remember, The Marketing Dept. is more than just a podcast – it's a community. Let's thrive together in the world of marketing and entrepreneurship!

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Nicole Murphy Nicole Murphy

Trust is Uncomfortable

Trusting others when you’re a business owner is hard. Here’s 3 reasons why you can trust us to handle your brand + marketing.

Hiring someone to do the job you once did - is uncomfortable.

Handing over your social media accounts to someone else to manage - is uncomfortable.

Completely rebranding your business can be (you guessed it) - uncomfortable.


But there is comfort in knowing you’ve hired the right person to do the job well.

When it comes to marketing and branding, this ain’t our first rodeo, so if you’re still reading this, you already trust us a little bit.

Trust is hard, hell, I’ve been in business 11 years and I still only have two employees! But I will tell you with confidence that all of our clients trust us 100% and here’s just three reasons why:

  1. Learning Phase: With every new client, we implement a learning phase in the beginning of our journey, working very closely with them to absorb everything there is to know about the industry, why they do what they do and how they do it best. We make sure that all of our marketing efforts align with the message they want to convey, and that it resonates to the ears of the target marketing and industry they’re striving to reach.

  2. Unlimited Revisions: In all of our estimates, we include by default unlimited revisions, because if you hire us, we are determined to make sure you are happy with your designs 100%.

  3. No Need = No Sale: If you approach us with a suggestion “should I do this…” We will give you an honest answer. At the end of the day, we are not here to sell you everything under the sun, we are here to guide you on the best way to grow your businesses, even if that means we do not make a sale. We are here to do what’s best for you - period.

When is the last time you struggled with trusting someone? Let me know by clicking here!

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Nicole Murphy Nicole Murphy

The BLOX Experience…

Owner Nicole Murphy competes in Entrepreneurship competitive tv show called The BLOX.

Picture over 100 passionate entrepreneurs cooped up in a Hotel Casino for 6 days - if you can imagine there being alot of laughing, crying, and general douch-baggery going on, you’d be exactly right. It was 6 long days that started with breakfast, networking following by class for 2 hours taught by Wes Bergmann (yes- from the Real World) on a topic about Entrepreneurship, followed by lunch. After lunch the race was on to get back to our seats, get the assignment, and run to our “Pod”. We had 15 min to write up a 3 minute presentation showcasing what we learned that day.

Showing how well we understood the material determined who won for the day. We presented to groups of 10 that were judged by an uber-successful (but uber nice) Entrepreneur who was part of the show. Each night, after we spent 3 hours in our pods, the scores were tallied up and one person from each Pod was announced as the winner. At the end of the week the top 6 winners were announce and the top 3 won a cash prize.

If you’re wondering if I won you’ll have to watch the show when it comes out. But on top of learning a boat load about how to grow my business, I did learn something about myself that I never realized- and that is actually more valuable than any pat on the back from a game show.

I learned the biggest thing holding me back is FEAR. (Story time) - At a young age I experience significant childhood trauma that has carried into my adult years. I was in the ICU of Boston Children’s Hospital from ages 2-5, had many surgeries, and my mindset ever since was to just “SURVIVE” and I was never deserving to “THRIVE”.

Going on the Blox broke through that barrier and I no longer have this fear of what entrepreneurship and success can bring to my life.

I encourage you all, to step out of your comfort zone every once in a while - it’s healthy, and it’s necessary if you want to grow. Entrepreneurship is HARD, lonely at times, and can cause you to have a stroke or two, but the wins are so incredible - but they don’t come without the cost of “stepping into your truth” and owning your destiny.

If you have a story you’d like to share, I want to hear it. Let’s talk over coffee (or zoom), just contact me here !

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